Frequently Asked Questions
Schedule & Departure
When making your booking please be sure to note the time of the specific tour as we do offer many tours throughout the day, week and month. Times can also vary between weekdays, weekends, and even seasons.
You will be required to check-in at Kewalo Basin Harbor, Slip F30, 30 min prior to scheduled departure, for “first come, first served” seating.
What Should I Bring?
It’s always best to travel with what makes you comfortable. You will require identification at check-in to verify our booking records. We recommend that you bring clothing suitable for the day and season. We suggest you bring sunscreen (non-aerosol) and any medication you may require while on your cruise, especially motion sickness medication if you are prone to seasickness. We also recommend that you travel with a small bag, wallet, or purse, as all purchases onboard can be done with a credit card or cash. Leave the rest in your hotel safe. And most importantly, don’t forget sunglasses, your camera, or a video recording device, as the scenery and views are magical.
What is the Best Time for a Tour?
The reason we offer a wide selection of tours and different departure times is to try to accommodate you, the vacationer’s, busy schedule. People who vacation on our beautiful island often want an ocean experience, so it is your schedule that we take into consideration.
What if there is Bad Weather?
This is very rare as Hawaii is blessed with incredible weather. No trip will be canceled prior to 30 minutes before its scheduled time of departure. Should the Captain have to make that very tough choice and your trip is canceled, our team dockside will make every effort to reschedule your trip (subject to availability) for a later time during your stay. If that is not possible a full refund will be provided.
Concierge Transportation
Don't like being crammed in a bus?... or just don't want to deal with managing a taxi? Let us be your Concierge and organize a ride to take you to/from the cruise! This is only available by booking directly through our web site.
We believe that sometimes less, is more. The island of Oahu, the Pacific Ocean, and Mother Nature are the stars of our onboard show! The Hawaiian coastal scenery is so breathtaking that we decided not to diminish the unique, and possibly once in a lifetime, opportunity for our passengers to experience it. Also, we respect the Hawaiian culture too much to try to appropriate it for a purpose for which it was never intended.